Where to find recipes, methods, and tips you can trust.

Safe Home Canning Resources

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Home canning is a wonderful way to stock your pantry and preserve fresh foods from the land.

Sealing perishable items in a jar and storing those jars at room temperature calls for some knowledge of safety, though.

Who Can You Trust?

There is a LOT of confusion about what is safe out there on the internet.

If you’re new to canning, the number one thing you need to know is where to find safe recipes.

Choosing Safe Sources

The internet is rife with unsafe canning methods. Knowing who you can trust -- and what is downright dangerous advice -- can help you stock your pantry safely.

The National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) is the authority on safe canning techniques.

Other trusted resources include recipes from Ball Canning and Bernardin, the makers of glass canning jars.

Some canning books are more trustworthy than others, too. (Watch out for AI generated ebooks!)

Canning Books

Check out the full article for links to trusted canning sources and details on why they should be your go-to.

For delicious & safe canning recipes from a Master Food Preserver visit Attainable Sustainable.