Fig Tree Care and How to Grow a Fig Tree in a Pot

Love figs? Fig trees grown in containers may be ideal for your space, especially if you have limited room for growing edibles. Here’s what you need to know about planting figs, fig tree care and growing a fig tree indoors or outdoors in a pot. Growing fig trees in containers is a great opportunity for urban gardeners to grow some of their own fruit!

Successful crop? Make a batch of this easy slow cooker fig jam!

figs on a tree branch.


pretty garden with tomatoes and flowers - cover of book "edible front yard garden"The 5-Gallon Garden

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Maybe you live in an apartment with only a balcony for growing food. Maybe you have a rental place and you can’t dig up the back yard.Or just maybe you have a postage stamp yard with no room for a garden.

Growing Fig Trees in Containers

Figs are the perfect fruit to grow in containers. You can grow an indoor fig tree or grow a fig in a container outdoors. Figs make a beautiful patio plant.

While European figs require pollination by a tiny wasp, the female figs we have in North America don’t require pollination to produce fruit. This makes them easy to grow anywhere with sufficient light and protection.

Figs planted in the ground focus their energy on developing roots. It can take 8 to 10 years for them to get around to fruit production. Growing fig trees in a container means the plant will occupy the root zone of their pots quickly and then spend their energy producing fruit. Container grown figs fruit precociously, usually within five years of planting.

Fig Tree Care

Even though figs are grown in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, they can withstand frost. Fig tree care in the winter means assessing your low temps. Figs lose their leaves and go dormant in winter.

Most fig trees can survive cold down to -4F ( -20C). Many varieties are hardy to zone 6 with winter protection. A few varieties can survive in even colder winters with protection. If it gets colder than that at your place, make it an indoor fig tree for the winter – growing fig trees in containers means you can easily move them inside where it’s protected.

Many figs produce two crops each year. The breba crop fruits on last year’s wood and is harvested in May or June. These are the fruit buds that emerge in the fall just before the leaves drop. The main fig crop fruits on new spring growth, and is harvested in August. New fruiting buds in this main fig crop emerge at the same time as the spring leaves, and look like hard knobs rather than fragrant flowers.

At the end of the season, when the tree drops its leaves, any unripe fruit that is bigger than the size of a pea should be removed from the plant. The pea size fruit will grow the following spring and form the breba crop.

Growing fig tree in a container

Fig Varieties

There are over 1000 varieties of figs in North America, both for long season and short season areas. However, plant nurseries limit their selection to just a few varieties.

If you want to grow some of the lesser known varieties you’ll need to find a hobby fig grower who might trade you some fig scion wood for propagation. See the end of this article for more sources if you’d like to try rooting some fig trees yourself.

If your neighbors have a productive fig tree, see if they will give you a few cuttings. A tree that is already thriving in your climate is a better choice than a tree growing in a nursery far away. But if you want adventure, try one of these hardy figs.

figs on a wooden table, one cut in half showing pinkish flesh

Related: Small Garden Ideas: Get the Most Bang for your Buck!

Fig Varieties to Try

  • Hardy Chicago has a brown-purple skin and strawberry colored flesh. It has good, sweet flavor. It’s hardy to zone 4, with winter protection. It is a heritage variety that was brought to Chicago by Sicilians from Mount Etna It’s been grown ever since in the Chicago area by dedicated fig fans. This is the fig tree I’m growing in zone 3.
  • Black Spanish has dark purple skin and strawberry red flesh and is widely available from plant nurseries. It is a good choice for warmer areas.
  • Desert King was developed in California in the 1920s. The large figs have green skin flecked with white spots and deep strawberry colored flesh. Desert King is a vigorous grower. The main crop ripens in the summer and it will produce a second smaller crop later in the fall.
  • Italian Honey or Lattarulla Fig is a large green fig with sweet, light amber flesh. It will produce a crop in midsummer and then a smaller crop in the fall.
  • Negronne Figs are named for the town in the Bordeaux region of France where this variety originated. The purple-black fruits have a red flesh with intense honey flavor. This variety is one of the very best. It’s hardy from zone 7 to 11.
  • Peter’s Honey fig is a lemon yellow fig with a deep amber flesh. It needs a little extra warmth, so grow it in a protected area and protect it from cold winds. This one is a double cropper that’s hardy in zones 7 to 11.
  • Stella Fig is a large, green yellow fig with deep red sweet flesh brought to North America by a sailor who named it after his wife. Stella is also a double cropper.
  • Vern’s Brown Turkey is an improved selection of the older (and mostly unreliable) brown turkey fig. It has brown skin and pale amber flesh and will reliably produce fruit in both summer and fall.

green and purple figs on a fig tree branch

Figs and Flavor

It’s no surprise that different varieties of figs also have different flavor profiles. Fig connoisseurs can be particular about the figs they grow, just like wine and coffee connoisseurs.

Don’t judge the figs on an immature fig tree based on flavor in the first few years. As the tree matures, the fruit also matures, becoming richer and more flavorful.

green figs growing on a tree

Planting Figs: How to Propagate New Fig Trees

Figs are self-rooted. In summer, the easiest way to make a new fig tree is to layer a stem of a thriving fig by bending a branch down to the ground, stripping the bark from a small section and burying the branch in the soil, while it is still attached to the mother plant. Anchor the branch in place using a u-pin or bent wire, then bury the branch with soil. The branch will sprout roots within 4 to 6 weeks.

Once the roots are two inches long, separate the new plant from the mother plant with a sharp knife, and re-pot in its own container. Young figs are more susceptible to cold than established plants so give it a little TLC through its first two seasons.

Figs can also be propagated with cuttings. In late winter or early spring, take a cutting of a branch from the previous season’s wood. Choose a branch that is three to ten inches long. Press it into sterile potting medium. Water with willow water to encourage rooting. Cover the pot with a plastic bag or cloche, to prevent the scion from drying out before it roots.

Keep the temperature around 70°F using a heat mat under the pot. Allow the surface of the potting medium to dry out between watering. Figs root quickly. Cuttings that are started in early spring will be ready to pot up in the fall.

How Long Before the New Tree Produces Fruit

Container-grown figs started by cutting produce fruit four to six years from the time the cutting is made. The first year after propagation, the cutting establishes a strong root system. Once the tree begins to fruit, you can expect two crops each year – the breba crop and the main season crop. In zones 6 and colder, don’t try to over-winter figs out of doors. Instead, place the dormant plants in an unheated garage, or basement, where you can protect them from cold temperatures. You should continue watering them even in winter, allowing the soil surface to dry between watering.

Related: How to: Growing Blueberries in Containers

close up of indoor fig tree leaves

Pests and diseases

Growing fig trees in containers in  in North America results in a fairly trouble-free crop. Place netting over the trees to prevent birds from stealing your fruit.

Spread wood ashes around the base of the stems to stop ants from climbing the trees. Container grown figs can be troubled with spider mites, white flies, or aphids when grown in a greenhouse or other protected environments. You can spray the tree with a strong stream of water to knock off pests.

Neem oil or another oil-soap spray are safe to use on figs. Don’t apply an oil spray if the temperatures will be above 85°F though. The leaves can be damaged by excessive heat after spraying. Here’s my recipe for DIY insecticidal soap spray that is safe to use on figs.

fig tree in a pot.

Growing Season for Figs 

If your winters are cold, you’ll probably grow your fig tree indoors during the coldest months. You can move figs to a sunny location in the garden once all danger of hard frost has passed. (Growing fig trees in containers means you can easily move them, too.)

Fig trees should have eight hours of sunlight a day during the growing season. Shading the pots from direct sunlight keeps the trees from drying out in severe heat. Apply mulch to the soil surface in the pot to retain moisture and prevent the plants from drying out, which can cause premature leaf drop.

Fig trees are not heavy feeders. Too much nitrogen can cause an excess of lush growth that is damaged by winter cold. They do need a single application of potassium and phosphorous-rich fertilizer at the beginning of the season.

If you find your trees are slowing their growth rate, foliar feeding container figs with seaweed extract every two weeks during the growing season can help. Water potted fig trees well during the growing season, but allow the soil surface to dry out between watering. This prevents the roots from standing in water.

green figs growing on a tree


Repot container-grown figs at the beginning of the season, just before the new leaves emerge. When planting figs in containers, choose lighter colored pots rather than black plastic pots if you live in an area with high summer heat.

Conversely, if you live in a short season area, black pots can offer your container figs a little extra heat. Add broken pottery or rocks to the bottom of the pot before adding your planting medium.

Fig plants don’t like to sit in water.

Plant your container figs in a mixture of 60% sterile potting mix and 40% finished compost, with the addition of one cup of kelp meal for trace minerals.

In the first 1 to 4 years, increase the pot size with each repotting to give the tree room to grow. By the time the tree is 4 years old you should have it in a 36″ pot. After this, replace the soil in the pot annually and prune the roots to keep the tree a manageable size.

When to Harvest Figs

Know the color of the ripe fruit of your particular varieties of figs. Since the color of the skin can vary from green to yellow through to purple and brown, this will help you harvest them when they are perfect.

Ripe figs are soft to the touch. As they over-ripen the skin can split. Ants and wasps are attracted to the sweet scent of ripe figs, so you’ll want to harvest them quickly once they become ripe.

Preserving Figs

Fresh figs are highly perishable. Keep them refrigerated and eat within a week of picking. (Or try these easy roasted figs with goat cheese and honey!) For longer preservation, figs can be dried, frozen, canned, or fermented. Or you could make these bourbon figs!

Fun Fig Varieties

With over 1000 varieties of figs grown in North America you may want to explore a few more figgy flavors than your local nursery provides. Try these sources when you’re ready to try growing fig trees in containers or in your urban orchard:

fig tree leaves from above

Originally published in January 2017; this post has been updated.

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About the author: Chris is the author of The Beeswax Workshop: How to Make Your Own Natural Candles, Cosmetics, Cleaners, Soaps, Healing Balms, and More. She is a teacher, author, gardener, and community herbalist with 30+ years of growing herbs and formulating herbal remedies, skin care products, soaps, and candles.

105 comments… add one
  • Ann Marie Jul 14, 2023 @ 0:01

    We live in NNJ and planted a rooted cutting over 8 years ago. The first few years we winterized it regularly. It has grown huge but has only produced one fig that never matured several years ago. My husband got disgusted a few times and cut it back to the ground and it grew full and lush again but still no figs. It is in a very sunny spot and we grow tomatoes, peppers and many herbs in the same general area. My neighbor just planted two puny plants a few feet away and they are already covered with figs (and too far from the fence to reach LOL)! Any suggestions?

    • AttainableSustainable Jul 26, 2023 @ 7:30

      I’m not sure, they usually take about 4-6 years to fruit when grown from a cutting. Try planting a new one, you might have better luck!

  • LouiseG Jul 6, 2023 @ 11:06

    I have a Chicago Hardy Fig that I purchased last fall and put in a pot as an indoor plant. It looked like it died over the winter, so I put it outside in April (I’m in Zone 7B) and it sprouted leaves and now has two fruits on it, but they stopped growing so I gave it some fruit tree fertilizer today. Hopefully, I get more and bigger fruit over the summer!

    • AttainableSustainable Jul 13, 2023 @ 12:12

      Yes! Good luck!

  • Carol L May 8, 2022 @ 2:46

    There is an almost 100 year old fig tree in southern Oregon: it gets well over 100* each summer, and can snow in winter. It has ALWAYS produced many figs and has no trouble in the hot and cold weather. I do not know the name of the particular variety as it is so old.

  • Michele Apr 24, 2022 @ 12:12

    What are your thoughts about fabric grow bags vs. plastic nursery pots for container figs? I live in the Maritime NW (zone 8b), and I bring my potted figs into the garage in late fall-winter when we get a sudden deep freeze, or when it’s so continuously rainy & mild that they don’t go dormant, or get waterlogged (despite proper drainage). I have an Italian Lattarula in a 15 gal pot, and a Negronne in a 20 gal.

    • AttainableSustainable Apr 26, 2022 @ 6:58

      Since you are moving them around at least a couple of times a year, I’d go with whichever pot/planter makes that process easiest while keeping the plants in good shape.

  • Susan Jan 31, 2022 @ 20:13

    I would like to plant my fig tree on the s side of the house for winter protection as temps dip below 9 degrees,but will summers be too hot with temps over 100? How deep do the roots grow and what is the best soil PH?

    Thank you, great article.

    • AttainableSustainable Feb 3, 2022 @ 7:04

      I would try planting it in a container to begin with, so you can move it indoors if it gets too cold, and to another outdoor location if the hot summer temps seem to be too much for that spot. Give it a year or two and see where it does best!

  • Linda Oct 20, 2021 @ 4:53


    Thank you for all of the information.

    I live in zone 5b. Do I bring in my potted plant before or after the leaves fall for the dormant season?

    Also, is it okay to winter in a room without natural light?


    • Kris Bordessa Nov 10, 2021 @ 10:08

      I’d bring it in *before a freeze, whether or not it’s lost its leaves. And natural light if you can!

  • Becca Apr 30, 2021 @ 11:22

    I have a 4 or 5 year old Chicago hardy fig that I keep indoors all year. We’re in zone 3. Anyway, my fig sprouted this year, grew an inch and seems to have stopped for the season. Is this normal for a fig to cycle, or possibly an indication of needing more space or nutrients?

    • Kris Bordessa Nov 10, 2021 @ 10:11

      It might need to be repotted to have a little more room.

  • Katrina Apr 13, 2021 @ 15:43

    Hi there! I am in Chicago and purchased a chicago hardy fig in May for a container. Surprisingly, We were able to harvest several figs last summer as well. It’s currently in my garden shed. What is considered “hard frost” ? we always may get a surprising cold dip before Mothers Day. Should I wait until then to sit the pot out? Thank you

    • Attainable Sustainable Apr 24, 2021 @ 9:17

      First off congrats on your harvest. A hard frost is a frost where both the air and the ground freeze. It’s usually best to wait it out, if you are not sure. Thanks for reading!

  • M Jan 3, 2021 @ 1:01

    My fig trees are doing great! I live in eastern Pa, and it can get pretty cold in the winter. I’ve planted mine right in the garden in a sunny spot. They grow to over 6 ft tall and produce tons of figs. My friend planted hers in a pot. While it’s still alive, it’s never gotten taller than a few feet. And never produced fruit. So don’t be afraid of the winter. Plant them in the ground, and just protect them over the winter. I wrap in burlap, then a simple tarp with a bucket on the top. (Like my old Italian neighbor used to do). Works like a charm.

  • Sarah Oct 18, 2020 @ 5:37

    Hello I live in the Rockies in Alberta. have a Celeste fig in a container that I bought this year from my local garden center. It has fruit on it but it hasn’t ripened. I brought the pot inside before our snow but the tree that’s around 6feet tall now has spider mites. I’ve placed it in the shower, can I treat further for spider mites? Will I have to remove the i ripened figs? Is it best to let the fig go dormant over the winter in the garage? Thank you

  • Mike Sep 21, 2020 @ 4:15

    I have a 5 ft fig tree, in a 25 gal pot with good drainage and plenty of sun. This is its first year. The fruits are small and green and have been that way for 3-4 weeks. Any ideas on why they are not ripening?

    • Brian Jul 6, 2022 @ 15:46

      I’d venture to guess that it isn’t mature enough yet and that it is still focusing on root expansion inside of the large 25 gallon container? Once it becomes somewhat root bound in the container, it should begin to focus more on fruit production.

      I see this comment is a couple of years old. Have the figs begun to ripen now?

  • vince Sep 2, 2020 @ 7:04

    My wife bought me a potted fig tree, we are in New Jersey. The plant is about 3′ tall and has about a dozen small figs on it. I have it on a screened in porch, with good sunlight and was going to bring it inside when it gets a bit cooler. It will in front of a sliding glass door which looks out onto the porch. If I keep inside will the leaves still fall off.

  • Vince Sep 2, 2020 @ 6:36

    I just bought a potted purple fig tree. It is about 3′ tall and has about 12 small figs on it. I live in NJ and was going to keep it in a screened porch until it gets cooler and then bring it in the living room in front of a sliding glass door. Will the leaves fall off even if it is kept in the pot and kept warm

  • Tammy Greene Jul 18, 2020 @ 5:10

    I am in zone 7b and have a fig tree I planted in the ground. This is the 3rd year and the tree has grown a lot but no sign of a flower or fruit. Do you think it will ever have fruit?

    • Kris Bordessa Jul 18, 2020 @ 14:16

      It could take up to 5-6 years.

  • Jee Catania Jun 26, 2020 @ 8:54

    Kriss i love you helping on how to grow figs !!!My friend gave a beautiful propagated plant but after a week i see there is a film on my leaves !!! what’s wrong can you please help? Thanks .

  • Kelly May 10, 2020 @ 5:14

    I live in the Sacramento, Ca area and there are plenty of fig bushes along the American River near my home.
    I’d like to know if I can have a fig tree (single trunk) in a container on my south-facing deck. How tall will it get? How fast will it grow? Is it possible that it would provide shade as I sit at a nearby table?


  • taruhan judi online Mar 24, 2020 @ 6:02

    I would maintain a slightly damp soil during this time. You’ll likely need to water it less often than you would during the summer months. A layer of mulch wouldn’t hurt.

  • Chris Mar 2, 2020 @ 5:46

    Great and informative article. Question: I’d like to grow a container fig on my balcony (Denver -5b-6a. I get full-sun morning light and bright diffuse light for the rest of the day. I will need to keep my fig outdoors on the balcony through the winter (protected -maybe with burlap and additional mulch…or something?). It won’t receive any water due to being under another balcony overhang. Should I water throughout the winter? …and if so, how often/much would you do that?



    • Kris Bordessa Mar 3, 2020 @ 8:01

      I would maintain a slightly damp soil during this time. You’ll likely need to water it less often than you would during the summer months. A layer of mulch wouldn’t hurt.

  • Graham Oct 31, 2019 @ 14:08

    Thanks for this blog! I’m thinking of getting a potted fig for outdoors. I live in the San Francisco Bay area. An earlier comment says that figs won’t give fruit when it becomes root bound. This would be a significant limitation, enough so that it might keep us from getting a fig. Is this true for all varieties of figs?

    • Kris Bordessa Oct 31, 2019 @ 20:00

      Any plant you grow will become root bound eventually. The solution is to slowly increase the plant’s pot in size over the years.

  • Rebecca G McMullan Oct 8, 2019 @ 7:04

    Hi Kris,
    So happy to find this great article. Thank you! I have a fig question that I cannot seem to get answered, hopefully you have some insight. I live in California ( San Francisco zone 9) I have received cuttings from my aunts old tree that is in San Diego. I would like to root them, but it is October. We are in our Indian summer-(Sept-Oct) here with high temperatures, but it will cool down next month. We never get frost, but cool nights through winter.
    Should I start the cuttings to root now, or save them for the spring? I have started some other cuttings just 4 weeks ago and they are rooting well. ( in a greenhouse box) Just wondering if I should try the rooting, or force them into dormancy?
    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    • Kris Bordessa Oct 8, 2019 @ 8:38

      Hm. You have several cuttings? If it were me, I think I’d try to ways. One, keep the cuttings in a jar of water and allow them to root until springtime. You’ll need to add water every once in awhile. Two, try to root in a pot and keep the container inside. Good luck!

  • ingilis dili kurslari Oct 5, 2019 @ 0:52

    I have three Chicago hearty figs in containers that are 2’ square and 3’ deep. These trees have produced lots of figs for 12 years. This year all three trees figs are shriveling and falling off. I think they are probably completely root bound. Can I pull these out of the pots and trim the roots and replant with new potting soil or should I just start new trees in the containers. If I trim the roots should I also prune the top. Any instructions are appreciated. It looks like this will be the first year in twelve years with no figs of our own

    • Kris Bordessa Oct 5, 2019 @ 14:29

      If it were me, I’d pull the figs out of the pots, break up the root ball as much as possible (maybe trimming roots) and move them into pots that are about 3″ in diameter larger than the one you have them in. Good luck!

  • Nick Aug 3, 2019 @ 16:09

    I have three Chicago hearty figs in containers that are 2’ square and 3’ deep. These trees have produced lots of figs for 12 years. This year all three trees figs are shriveling and falling off. I think they are probably completely root bound. Can I pull these out of the pots and trim the roots and replant with new potting soil or should I just start new trees in the containers. If I trim the roots should I also prune the top. Any instructions are appreciated. It looks like this will be the first year in twelve years with no figs of our own.

    • Kris Bordessa Aug 4, 2019 @ 8:25

      You’re probably right that they’re root bound. If it were me, I’d transplant them to a container that’s about 6″ wider to give them more space. At that time, you could trim the roots back a bit, and do some top pruning as well. You don’t say how big the figs are, but maybe trim 1/4 to 1/3 of the growth back? And you could root those trimmings for more plants.

  • Meagan Jul 27, 2019 @ 11:26

    Hi Kris,

    I just purchased an Excel fig tree that is 2 seasons old and is currently fruiting. Do you think it would be okay to keep it inside in a sunny southwest facing window indefinitely? I don’t have a good spot for it outside and I’d like to keep it there year round.

    • Kris Bordessa Jul 28, 2019 @ 7:53

      All you can do is try, you know? If this is the best place you have for it, it’s the best place! Keep an eye on it, and if it starts to look sad, you might think about supplemental lighting.

  • Pupu Jul 23, 2019 @ 16:00

    Hi Kris..I’m Pupu from Indonesia. I’ve read your artical about planting fig tree in containers ..It’s very interesting. Some of people explained the cutting of fig is simple to plant in the pot.
    I want try to plant cutting figs in the pot.
    So, could you send me some cuttings of figs that your recommendation to plant?
    Thank you so much.

    • Kris Bordessa Jul 24, 2019 @ 10:30

      I don’t sell fig cuttings.

  • Joseph Jacovino Jul 8, 2019 @ 13:07

    Some of the leaves on my fig tree are turning yellow and falling off. Someone told me it needs some lime mixed into the soil. Is that good for the tree? It is in a large pot.

  • Kayla Ryan Jun 17, 2019 @ 11:37

    I am in zone 4 and really interested in growing the “Chicago fig” which says its hardy in the ground in zone 5. I am wondering if I pot it, do I need to put it inside in the winter or just burlap wrap it.

    • Kris Bordessa Jun 22, 2019 @ 10:04

      It’s so hard to know. There are micro-climates in every region. The *safest would be to bring it inside.

    • Irfan Feb 28, 2021 @ 6:39

      i kept my chicago fig indoors and got tired of it and gave it to my sister in scarborough 5 years ago. it’s in the ground next to the brick wall of the home in a sunny spot. it dies to the ground each year and then shoots up pretty fast in the summer. the only problem is that frost hits before the figs ripen – 4 more weeks in the growing season and it would be perfect so maybe if you’re closer to the water you’ll be fine. for wintering all she does is trim it to the ground and mulch over.

  • Chris Lupacchino Engstrom Jun 2, 2019 @ 7:49

    I have raised figs all my life with my dad in Brooklyn NY. We covered them every year until they were very mature and could withstand the winters. Now I live in AZ and purchased a tree raised in CA. It is so hot and dry here in summer. I am concerned about the high heat 100 degrees and up with full sun. My tree is in a big pot on wheels. Do I need to move it out of the sun during the hottest part of the day? It is an Italian Everbaring.

    • Kris Bordessa Jun 5, 2019 @ 17:04

      If it starts looking like the direct sun is hard on it, I’d certainly give it a try. That’s pretty hot!

  • tree trimming Apr 15, 2019 @ 12:56

    Hi Nurd,
    This was a excellent informative post you have shared on this page about tree in a Pot but If your neighbors have a productive fig tree, see if they will give you a few cuttings. A tree that is already thriving in your climate is a better choice than a tree growing in a nursery far away. But if you want adventure.

  • Emily Zanelli Apr 14, 2019 @ 17:00

    Hi I love your site. It’s my guide. Question. I live in I believe 5b MA between Boston and cape cod. I love figs. I can only get fresh black passion from Mexico, small look like mission. I want to plant this tree from the fruit from the store. Is it possible? I grow in and outdoors. In a greenhouse, basement, attic, kitchen and a grow room which also has a lighted heated enclosed tent inside the basement. Your stone fruit guide is simple as pie. I can not find one fig guide to grow from the fruit. Do I have to buy the tree or cuttings? Thank you. Great work!

    • Kris Bordessa Apr 20, 2019 @ 16:31

      I think you’ll have better luck with cuttings. If you can find someone who has a tree in your region, that would be the best bet.

  • Linda Villalobos Mar 1, 2019 @ 10:52

    Hi. I didn’t see our problem here. We have a brown Turkey fig tree in a container which we brought into the cellar last fall. It has grown about a foot but looks very spindly with thin yellow leaves. Should we cut this new growth off? We love in zone 6. Thanks.

    • Kris Bordessa Mar 3, 2019 @ 12:28

      Hm. Maybe it’s due to low light? I’d see what happens once it’s been out in the natural light for awhile.

    • Nurd Apr 3, 2019 @ 4:45

      I’ve read that could happen if a fig tree isn’t allowed to go dormant or get chill hours. I’m in the same quandary. I live in CO, zone 5b. I will need to bring my dear trees in for the winter, but the garage isn’t big enough and the basement not cool enough. Would love your thoughts…

  • Billy Jan 16, 2019 @ 10:30

    I have a potted tree that I brought in for the winter in fear of it dying. It has since come out of dormancy and sprouted leaves because the room it’s in is rather warm. I do have a garage I can store it in but I wasn’t sure if it was stable enough.

    Any suggestions on what I should do?

    • Kris Bordessa Jan 18, 2019 @ 9:26

      I’d keep it inside until spring, since it’s already sprouted.

  • Dave White Jan 14, 2019 @ 6:03

    I have a mature fig tree which on the north side of my home in Coquitlam,BC. 1st year I was here didnt know what it was-no fruit.Second year I realized what it was and waited patiently for fruit.The birds and squirrels got what little there was. I’m considering transplanting to a sunnier location facing south on my deck.Any tips on how to keep the birds and squirrels away?My last home the challenge was grapes and racoons!I left the dogs outside at harvest time.

    • Kris Bordessa Jan 18, 2019 @ 9:27

      Squirrels are squirrely! Cats/dogs is a good option and kept them away from our garden where we dealt with them.

  • Viola Jan 13, 2019 @ 14:12

    Why do you have to repot every year? I bought a potted fig a year and a half ago. I put it in a bigger pot. Maybe 2 gallon.Don’t remember what kind. It did not fruit last year but got some new leaves. It lost all its leaves in the fall right before I brought it inside. Now it’s gotten all new leaves, more than it’s ever had! I’m in zone 5, Nebraska. Do I have to repot it?

    • Kris Bordessa Jan 18, 2019 @ 9:28

      If it’s doing really well, you can probably postpone potting for another year.

  • SUSAN GODDEN Jan 13, 2019 @ 10:22

    Amazing article. Well done!

  • Kathy Jan 1, 2019 @ 13:39

    I live in Northeastern Ontario, zone 3a/3b.
    I have several figs growing in the sunny window in the living room, despite my mistreating them, blessed little things.
    I have three, and of course the tags have long gone away.
    One (maybe two) came from Richters, which I love
    But at least one came from T&T Seeds–don’t know if you know them. I love their stock, because they develop it to survive Saskatchewan winters.

    Thanks for the great info–you should write a book!

    • Kris Bordessa Jan 5, 2019 @ 16:39

      Thanks for that source!

  • Christina Nov 6, 2018 @ 10:39

    Hi Kris,
    (Finally a great comprehensive article on container growing figs – thank you!)
    I had my first “harvest” this year of 3 whole figs! Yeah!
    I just brought in my small tree as all the leaves have dropped off in the cool Toronto weather. One side of me says to do what I did last year, which was keep it in my windowless furnace room until spring, but I’m wondering if it will get an earlier start by keeping it in my bright kitchen over winter … is this likely ok even though it has no leaves now? Or will it confuse Mother Nature?

    • Kris Bordessa Nov 7, 2018 @ 11:59

      I’d be tempted to try it in the kitchen!

      • Patricia H. Williams Jan 4, 2020 @ 16:32

        Thank you for being so responsive. Thanks too for a most informative article.

  • Rose Tucker Oct 7, 2018 @ 6:21

    Hello! Thank you for your article. We bought & potted a small fig tree in early summer (outdoors) and it grew beautifully and has small fruits on it. We recently brought it indoors for the winter. Some of our bright windows have radiators right below. We have an large east window with no radiator below. Which location would you suggest?

    • Kris Bordessa Oct 17, 2018 @ 9:33

      It probably depends on how hot it gets near the radiators. You don’t want it to overheat. You can certainly try one location, keeping a close eye on it, then move it if necessary.

  • james wilkinson Oct 5, 2018 @ 14:16

    I live in Ms. I rooted a cutting from a turkey fig in Feb. put it in a 6 inch pot in March. it came up as a 2 trunk tree. in aug, it was about 18″ tall, and I transplanted it to a 16 inch pot. It is now Oct, and the tree is about 3 feet tall and producing figs. one fig at the base of almost every leaf. Most are pea size, but two figs are about the size of a nickel. can I continue growing them in the pot over the winter, and plant it outside this spring? When I plant it outside will it continue producing fruit? or will it take a couple of years?

    • Kris Bordessa Oct 17, 2018 @ 9:35

      Yes, keeping it in the pot over the winter should be fine. And if it’s producing fruit now, I don’t see why it wouldn’t continue to do so out of doors. (Though, there may be a decline in fruiting as the plant recovers from the transplant.)

  • Louis Fattorusso Sep 18, 2018 @ 11:35

    Hi Kris,
    I have a potted fig that I purchased two years ago. I live in upstate NY. I have 15 or so figs that have not ripened yet. Soon the nights will be cold and we’ll be getting frost.
    Can I bring the tree inside and supplement the needed sunlight with a grow light?
    Thank you for your reply.

    • Kris Bordessa Oct 17, 2018 @ 9:46


  • Dennis L Snyder Jul 23, 2018 @ 11:16

    I live in Philly Pa. Can I Up pot figs from 1 gal to 3 gallon in August?

    • Kris Bordessa Jul 26, 2018 @ 16:51

      I’m not sure what the temp is like in Philly in August. Best to do it when it’s not blazing hot, but otherwise it should be okay.

  • Dennis Snyder Jul 22, 2018 @ 2:41

    I have one year old figs in one gallon pots. Thriving and healthy. Can I up pot the figs in August before I hand them out to friends and relatives.

    • Kris Bordessa Jul 26, 2018 @ 16:51

      I think I just answered this. 😉

  • Marge zinna Jul 20, 2018 @ 3:56

    I have been trying to find out if I can transplant a fig tree that has green fruit on it or do I need to wait till a certain time

    • Kris Bordessa Jul 21, 2018 @ 8:23

      You *can transplant at any time. You might lose the fruit if you transplant now. You might have better luck waiting until fall, though. This means the weather will be a bit cooler, and your tree will have the winter in which to set roots in the “off” season.

  • Ashley May 17, 2018 @ 2:36

    A friend of mine gave me a cutting of a fig, not sure of the variety but the leaf looks like the one in your heading image. I want to keep it potted indoors, in a conservatory, are there anything tips for this?

  • Dena Mar 19, 2018 @ 8:54

    I have new growth growing at the bottom of my tree I cut it off or let grow?? Thank you. Dena [email protected]

    • Kris Bordessa Mar 24, 2018 @ 13:12

      Do you want it to be a single trunked tree? In that case you can trim off any new sprouts that try to grow. If you want a multi-trunked tree, you can leave it and it will become a low branch.

      • Kathy Mont Jan 11, 2021 @ 19:20

        So about the previous post . The new growth at the base of my fig that I brought inside,can they be cut and used as starter figs? Will that work or just try them or leave as you mentioned earlier?

        • Kris Bordessa Nov 10, 2021 @ 10:11

          You wouldn’t use tender green growth to start a new plant. I’d leave them.

  • manley kiefer Mar 5, 2018 @ 14:25

    Where do you find a 36″pot, as mentioned in this article? The largest economical plastic pots I am aware of are about 18″in diameter.

    • Kris Bordessa Mar 6, 2018 @ 16:00

      A large pot like that might not be “economical.” A nursery supply might have the black plastic kind. An oak barrel is an option that’s not super cheap, but will last for years and years.

      • Ken Oct 28, 2019 @ 14:40

        I am in Australia and you can use a rubber type large container with handles on it. Drill holes in it for drainage. The handles are really handy for moving your fig tree

      • Carol L Sep 13, 2023 @ 7:32

        Yeah, about oak barrels: maybe they do last, but if outdoors, the bands will come away and you’ll have a mess with oak wood “held” together with bands that are so loose it will fall apart.
        Trust me, I’ve had about 4 of them and they do it every time.

    • LBBeachGal Oct 7, 2019 @ 10:43

      Costco has large plastic pots in late winter/early spring that are very reasonably priced.

  • Sharon Perlman Nov 4, 2017 @ 9:19

    We had an extended summer in Chicago and only recently started to get frost. None of the leaves have fallen off my fig tree. I took it inside because I was worried about the low temperatures. Is there anything special that I should do because of this? Must it be in a cool, dark place or can I keep it inside my home? Thanks so much for your helpful article.

    • Kris Bordessa Nov 14, 2017 @ 8:07

      Keep it inside your home — just think about the conditions it would be in outside (light) if you were in a warmer climate. No need to make it dark.

  • Ayesha Oct 18, 2017 @ 5:32

    Good article I live in Montreal is it okay to keep the fig tree against the French window in my living room.? Thanks

    • Kris Bordessa Nov 14, 2017 @ 8:11

      As long as your living room is heated, it should be fine.

  • Jane Aug 12, 2017 @ 23:28

    Method “Spread wood” is great ideas. I will use it. Thank you!

  • Erica May 6, 2017 @ 23:52

    Do you have to prune a fig tree

    As the fuirt is growing or anytime

    Thank you

    • Verity Sep 11, 2020 @ 19:22

      My potted fig was doing really well. I live in Athens Greece, it’s on my sunny balcony. Its leaves have suddenly started turning brown, drying out & dropping off! Any suggestions please?

      • Kris Bordessa Oct 6, 2020 @ 7:56

        Make sure you’re not over or under-watering. Could it be pot-bound? Check that and transplant to a larger container if necessary.

  • Manuel Chana Romano Mar 17, 2017 @ 8:24

    This is pretty interesting.

  • Michael Gunpath Feb 13, 2017 @ 19:03

    Hi Chris, I love your article on figs, I checked Richter’s for Hardy Chicago which I ‘m ordering. Can you elaborate a little more?, I live in Toronto, I think zone 5b, you wrote that its hardy to zone 4 with winter protection, does that mean it can be planted outdoors or still potted and brought indoors in winter, Please clarify. Thanking You. Mike.

    • Irfan Hashmi Feb 28, 2021 @ 6:28

      i kept my chicago fig indoors and got tired of it and gave it to my sister in scarborough 5 years ago. it’s in the ground next to the brick wall of the home in a sunny spot. it dies to the ground each year and then shoots up pretty fast in the summer. the only problem is that frost hits before the figs ripen – 4 more weeks in the growing season and it would be perfect so maybe if you’re closer to the water you’ll be fine. for wintering all she does is trim it to the ground and mulch over.

    • Laila May 21, 2024 @ 7:38

      Hi Michael. I too live in the GTA and tried the Chicago Hardy a few years back. The instructions were to keep it indoors over winter for a couple years until it is bigger and then plant it outside, but I did not have any luck in overwintering it with just mulch. I have heard of people wrapping them with burlap and tarp, and/or carpet, but you also have to protect against rodents getting in and chewing the bark. Plus it will die down to the ground by the end of winter, so you may not have enough time for figs to ripen. Some people with microclimates have been able to, but it’s an experiment to be sure. Good luck@

  • Fig Jan 25, 2017 @ 16:10

    Some figs will not fruit in pots after they have become root bound. They also will not produce if pruned hard.

  • Chris Jan 19, 2017 @ 15:04

    Fabulous article! I would like to grow figs indoors but do not have a place to winter them. Can they be an indoor plan or do they need the cold dormant season too?

    • Laila May 21, 2024 @ 7:40

      Chris, there are Youtube videos on such topics, but from what I have learned they need to go dormant, so overwintering them indoors in a heated home wouldn’t allow it to go dormant. An unheated garage is fine, as long as you block light from the windows. I just wrap mine with burlap, one layer and water once a month. Good luck!

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